Cleaning Your House Perfectly with These 5 Equipments

Cleaning Your House Perfectly

Cleaning Your House Perfectly with These 5 Equipments

Cleaning Your House Perfectly

Cleaning Your House Perfectly with These 5 Equipments. Cleaning the house has become a daily routine. Of course there are some people who choose to clean their homes occasionally. However, all of them have the same goal, their living quarters to be clean and comfortable to live in.

To clean up our living space, there are several pieces of equipment that can certainly help ease our work. This is because it is impossible to clean a room without the help of household appliances at all. So to get maximum results when cleaning all the rooms in your house or apartment, you need a number of tools that will help you

There Are 5 Equipments

You probably already understand how to clean the house. But maybe you still find it difficult to determine what kind of cleaning tool equipment that should be owned. At least, there are 5 equipments that you must have to clean your house or where you live. What are those?

  1. Brooms and mops

You could say a broom and floor are the two main equipments for cleaning your house or apartment. The function of these equipments is to clean the floor of the house or apartment. You can use a broom to clean the floor from large trash. Then for maximum results, you can use a mop to clean the room.

  1. Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum Cleaner is also a cleaning tool that should be in your home. In modern society that needs practical and fast cleaning equipment, vacuum cleaners are a lifesaver. You can clean up a room quickly and easily with this tool. This equipment is perfect for floors that are often covered with carpets. If you need more sophisticated cleaning equipment, you can choose a robot vacuum cleaner. This flat, round-shaped tool can be adjusted to move on its own, and clears hard-to-reach parts of the room.

  1. Duster

Duster becomes an important part of cleaning the room. You can use a cloth or microfiber which can be used to clean furniture that is exposed to dust or wet and damp. It is recommended that you choose a duster or microfiber which is made of thick cloth so that it is easy to absorb liquid. Choose one that has a smooth material so it doesn’t scratch the surface of your furniture.

  1. Brush

A brush made of coarse and slightly hard material is useful for cleaning up stubborn dirt on the floor or walls of the room. If the floors or walls of the rooms in your house have stains and scale that are difficult to remove, use a brush like this one to clean them. Because it is made of tougher fiber brush will help you clean the stain more easily.

  1. Cleaning fluid

Cleaning fluid is a must have in every home. You need to know that there are so many chemical cleaning fluids that are commonly used to clean rooms in the house with different functions and uses. Be careful to store this cleaning fluid, and make sure it is not easily accessible by children

Now that you know the five equipments for cleaning a room, you don’t need to be confused anymore if you want to clean the house.

Step by Step on How to Do Cleaning Rooms in a Hotel

Cleaning Rooms in a Hotel

When you decide to stay in a hotel, you can see that the room is very clean. It looks tidy and it seems that there is no dirt at all. It is the ultimate guide for a hotel to give the best service to all of the customers. If you like to know how they do cleaning rooms, there are some steps to follow.

Remove the Linens

The first thing that you need to do to clean rooms in a hotel is removing all the linen from the bed. You also need to check if there is any stain left on the bed. Some guests might pour something on the bed by accident and it needs to be cleaned.

Clean the Trash

The trash needs to be cleaned from the room. You need to pick any trash in the room. Some trash might be hidden behind the door, under the bed, or inside the drawers. Make sure that you pick all the trash and throw it in the trash can.


The dust needs to be removed from the room by dusting it. You need to make sure that you wipe all the dust from the top of the wardrobe, inside the drawers, behind the door, etc. The top service given to guests is by giving the very clean room in a hotel and cleaning in details needs to be done.



Wipe and Disinfect

After making sure that you clean all the dust, it is time to wipe any surface and disinfect them. Any surface that you find from table, chair, cabinet, artwork, and others needs to be wiped.

Make the Bed

The next step to do in cleaning rooms is making the bed. Starting with the mattress pad, then you can continue with replacing the pillows, sheets, and bedspread. The guests can have a great time in resting in a hotel room clean bed.

Clean the Bathroom

The bathroom needs to be cleaned and be disinfected in every part. The toilet, sink, shower, and others need to be cleaned perfectly. The guests need to have a good impression on a hotel and you need to make sure that they can get it by doing a perfect cleaning in a bathroom.

Restock Items

Items like toiletries, refreshments, pens, notebook, and laundry bags needs to be restocked. The guests usually try to seek them when they stay in a hotel. Besides restock the items, you also need to make sure that mugs, glassware, and ice bucket are clean.

Sweep, Vacuum, and Mop the Floors

When you vacuum the floor, you can also check if there is any trash left so you can clean it right away. The vacuum needs to be able to reach any hidden spot so there will be no dust left in the room. This is very important to give the ultimate comfort to the guests.

After the room is clean, you can add some little touch like putting flowers on a vase or giving some fragrance in the room. The guests will feel more comfortable with the nice smell in the room.