Keep Your Room Clean and Safe

Keep Your Room Clean and Safe

Keep Your Room Clean

Keep Your Room Clean and Safe, cleaning the room for some people is the laziest and tiring thing, right? But it must be clean because we live, sleep and do many things in the room. Can you imagine if your room is full of dirty clothes, used snacks that you don’t eat up? Anyway, it’s a dirty environment. Ask this question; how can you maintain your health and safety if you are a lazy person and don’t care to clean the room? Especially if you’re electronic goods are expensive and need to be cared for frequently. You have to tidy up the electrical things in your room.

Like it or not, we have to maintain health and safety. One of the ways is by keeping the house clean and tidy. The home environment around us should also be a comfortable place for us to live in and play below are some tips that you can do before cleaning your room and electric furniture.

Maintain Health and Safety

  1. Gather your intention and motivation. Cleaning the rooms does require strong motivation and will. It will be another story if you have a maid who will clean your room every day. If you still live with your parents, maybe your parents will clean up. But if you live alone, then it is important to clean your room seriously.
  2. If you are a busy person. You maybe work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You do not have time every day to clean the rooms in your house. Make sure you create a cleaning schedule that you must adhere. The electrical cables which messy certainly also dangerous for you.
  3. Choose the items that you no longer use. You can be thrown it away or if they are still feasible you can donate to those who are in need. For example, your used clothes are still in good condition or books that you have finished reading. These items will be more useful if you give them to other people.
  4. Separate perishable items like your snacks from your electrical things. Keep it in a closed container and make sure no mice or ants can pick it up. Do not left scatter on the floor of your room. The leftovers will make your room be a nest of germs and even worse, destructive by mice or ants.
  5. Know a better idea? Yes, you can do sales of your used goods. You can sell it online or on your home page. You can hold a garage sale. For example, your electric kettle is still good but you don’t like it anymore. You can sell it.
  6. Do not forget the clothes behind the door or hanging in the cupboard and it is still dirty. You can get skin disease if you wear dirty clothes. And it is a big no for leaving used dishes or dirty glasses in the room, especially near an electric contact that is always installed.

Last, let’s make a clean lifestyle your lifestyle. Clean your room, straighten your power cord. Stay safe.

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